Take Great Photos with your Smartphone!

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Registration for this event will be open from March 13, 2025 @ 1:00pm to April 12, 2025 @ 1:00pm.

Program Description

Event Details

A class for those interested in producing high-quality images with their smartphone cameras. We will learn and understand the camera controls as well as when and how to use them.  You will be in better control of your camera which will lead to significantly improved photographs.

Please note: This class will not cover the taking of selfies. 
Everything necessary for taking great smartphone pictures will be addressed, including: 

  • Learning how to use the camera controls on your specific smartphone
  • Basic photographic theory
  • Discussing and, if desired, installing other smartphone camera apps
  • Suggestions for hand-holding your camera
  • Specific steps to follow when taking a picture
  • Useful accessories for your smartphone camera
  • And, how to compose your photographs to produce truly wonderful results

In addition, two types of editing programs will be introduced: An app for your smartphone and an editing program for your computer. You’ll see how the quality of your images can be vastly improved with just a little editing.
You’ll have an opportunity in class to practice taking pictures with your camera. This will help solidify what you’ve learned about photographic theory and the operation of your camera. And it will be your chance to experiment with your own composition ideas.

Please bring some of your photos to class on a thumb drive - good ones and problematic ones - so they can be viewed in class. This will be helpful when we discuss composition and aesthetics. And, just as important, it will allow you to show images you like and to get help with images where problems exist.

A very complete handout will be distributed on arrival. It contains lots of information and will greatly simplify the process of understanding what’s being taught in class. You’ll also find it quite useful for review after the class ends. 
Don’t forget to bring your fully charged smartphone, the smartphone’s charger, any accessories you have, and the thumb drive with your pictures.